Psychological counselling

Psychological counselling aims to support students if problems arise during their studies or in their personal lives. All University of Tartu students, including doctoral students, students from the Pärnu and Narva Colleges and the Viljandi Culture Academy can get free psychological counselling.

Psychologists of University of Tartu can provide assistance in the event of questions or problems relating to:

  • motivation to study and use of time;
  • exam or public speaking stress;
  • excessive worry and anxiety;
  • adapting to new environments and excessive stress;
  • communication and relationships;
  • self-assertion;
  • self-esteem;
  • depression or being tired of life; and
  • difficult events or experiences in life.

The situation in Ukraine concerns all members of the university family, directly or indirectly. Some of us are thinking of their close ones in the war zone, others are affected economically by the crisis. If you feel that your life and coping is disrupted, please do not hesitate to ask for help.

If you feel that you are in a crisis and need immediate help, please turn to the Psychiatry Clinic of Tartu University Hospital offering emergency reception 24 h. Address: Raja str 31, phone: +372 731 8764

Booking an appointment at UT Counselling Centre 

Book an appointment in Tartu using the following link (times are available for the following 30 days, new appointments become available daily). 

NB! Please use the university e-mail address ( when booking. Generally we provide up to five sessions per student.

NB! The form is in Estonian, please use Google translate for translating the form. 

Important information! Psychologists' rooms 411, 444, 445, 452, 454 are situated in Counselling Centre, on the 3rd floor of UT Library. Room 168 is accessible via back door (Akadeemia street), 1st floor, right side.  

In colleges:

To book an appointment in Viljandi please write to

To book an appointment in Pärnu please write to

To book an appointment in Narva please write to


See a student sharing his experience at UT Counselling Centre 

Psychologists at UT Counselling Centre

Sharipha Rzayeva
Lea Nagirjana
Tõnu Jürjen
Kaia Kastepõld-Tõrs
Maarja Sagen
Anne Tullus
Kertu Ütt
Anu Leuska

Where else can you find help?

Private counselling and psychotherapy centres and clinics outside UT: 

The quickest way to get help outside the university is to ask your family physician for condition assessment, initial treatment recommendations and a referral to psychological counselling, if needed.


UT Counselling Centre main page

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